Neobiotech held a ‘Seminar in Korea’ for overseas dentists


Neobiotech held two seminars for overseas dentists at its headquarters in Wonju-si from June 9th to 14th and from June 18th to 23th.

The seminar was held with about 60 attendees from Russia, Bulgaria and Georgia.

First, dentists from various countries visited Neobiotech’s headquarters, toured implant production facilities and research facilities, and had time to take a look at the production process of major products.

In the seminar, Young-ku Heo, CEO of Neobiotech, gave a lecture on the theme of ‘Clinical guideline for surgical and prosthetic complications’ and shared clinical cases using Neobitoech’s IS-III implants and surgical kits.

One participant expressed satisfaction, saying, “I was able to know the excellence of Neobiotech products and grasp the latest clinical trends.”

In addition, they had time to share various clinical cases and know-how along with lectures on ‘Top-down implant dentistry’ by professor Sung-bok Lee, ‘Factors of successful implantation’ by Russian dentist Pagalin Aleksandr, and ‘Guided surgery’ by Baishev Timur.

After finishing their schedule at Neobiotech’s headquarters, overseas dentists later moved to Seoul to conduct a city tour. They had an opportunity to feel Korea’s emotions and culture through visits to Korean cultural heritage and national palaces and experiences with Taekkyeon. Customized schedules and programs for each country were added to increase the satisfaction of overseas dentists.

A Georgia dentist who participated in the seminar showed high satisfaction, saying, "It was good to learn about Neobiotech's history, products, and technology through various programs in this seminar, and my loyalty to Neobiotech has increased."

A Neobiotech official said, "Through this five-night and six-day seminar in Korea, it was a good opportunity to inform overseas dentists of the excellence of Neobiotech products. We will continue to actively inform overseas users of Neo Implants through various activities such as seminars in Korea."

Meanwhile, Neobiotech is currently supplying implants to more than 70 countries, including the United States, Japan, Europe, Russia, and Thailand, and is raising its status in the global market as a global implant company with proven stability based on excellent quality.

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